The best solution for natural spa water
- O-Care makes water maintenance easy while reducing the need for harsh chemicals.
- O-Care will reinforce the water's own properties and remove and prevent sediment build-up.
- O-Care will make the water extremely soft and the water crystal clear so let us explain how it works.
Removal and prevention of sediment build-up allows sanitizers and other chemicals be much more effective
When santisers are not negotiating internal contamination and when they don't risk getting caught up in the sediment it will empower their strengts and properties.
As a consequence of a clean hot tub less chemicals are needed to still reach the values needed for clean and sanitary water.
O-Care will also remove sediment nutrients from the water to prevent internal contamination.
Always clean your filter on a weekly basis because filtration accounts for 50% of the waters sanitation.
Because O-Care takes out the sediment nutrients your filters can get even more saturated.
This is a good thing because they can be easily cleaned which can't be said for the insides of the pipes.
Apart from improving the water's own properties by keeping a hot tub clean O-Care has some interesting added benefits.
Because of the high quality mixture of minerals the water will become much softer and crystal clean.
Soft water in conjuction with less chemicals will make it great for sensitive skin types.
If you are sensitive to certain chemicals you should really give O-Care a try.
Less contamination and sediment also means that your main components such as pumps, heaters, ozonators, jets or blowers will last longer.
O'Care Kit
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Most packages ship in 2-3 days and arrive within 7-10 days